Delete Addresses in an AOL Email Address Book
AOL Mail stores the email addresses of people in your address book by default. Although each original entry contact and the same email address of the AOL screen name is included, you can add names, phone numbers and address the contact options by email manually. If you want to delete an email address from your address book, remove the contact from the address book.
- Visit AOL Mail website and log in. Click “Contact” in the address bar
- Scroll down and click on the box next to it.
- To find the contact name or the search box “Search Contact” a specific contact, enter the email address, then click on the box to get the contact name.
- Click “Delete” to delete the selected contacts and email address.
Delete Names From Address Book :
Sometimes You need to clean out your email address book Since it fills the entries of those people with whom it no longer matches, regardless of whether you want to delete several specific names or complete address book. Most email programs will receive very similar instructions to remove address book names.
- Go to your Email web browser to your web-based email client and log in. Click on “Contact” or On
- then select “All Contacts”. See the list of saved contacts
- Click on the contact’s name and then click on “Delete”. When the website creates a popup message, ask if you want to continue, click on “Delete” again.
- Click on “View All Contacts” and then Choose “Deleted Contacts”.
- Click on “Delete Permanently” and then click “Delete permanently”.