AOL error code 212 Due to These errors:
Error 212: AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
AOL desktop error code 212 can be due to many factors, They are mentioned below.
- Download and install damaged: Damaged incomplete download and install AOL Instant Messenger software on your PC can cause this problem.
- Windows registry damaged: Software changes are associated with Windows registry corruption, this may be responsible for technical issues.
- Examples of viruses and malware: Trojan, spyware and adware may lead to harmless viruses and malware windows system files and a source of this problem.
- Extinction of unknown form files: Files AOL Instant Messenger unknowingly or accidentally removed a problem. Condition of AOL Error Code 212
- This error which requires professional assistance and customer service AOL 212 AOL Mail users can cause many technical problems. We are going to discuss the symptoms of this error.
- Windows Can be Crash any-time.
- the function of your Windows running slow.
Desktop AOL Error Code 212 Solution :
Steps to correct AOL error code 212 :
- Repair all windows
- Ensure that all emails are virus free by full scanning
- Clean all junk files with a cleaning tool
- Test memory
- Update your PC regularly
- Restore the entire Windows system to detect AOL error
- Uninstall and restore AOL instant messenger
- Use Windows System File Checker
- Update your system to run AOL instant messenger without problems
- Test Ram memory.
- Clean installation of windows system